Sunday, September 28, 2008

Another Base Week in the Books

Surprisingly, the legs felt good today after yesterday's five T-paced miles.  I finished out the week w/ a nice 10-miler in the trails (the coyote was back - but this time we were running on the trail in the same direction for a few seconds until he turned off and ran into the woods)  

Next week the base training progresses to the next stage where a hill repeat session is added (probably Thursday or Friday) giving me another quality day to go along w/ the threshold day and the long day.  The tentative plan is to have the hill repeats go for 3 consecutive weeks, then take a down week w/ no hills and then 3 straight weeks of hills again. . . . and repeat this process until December or January - so probably 9 hill sessions in all.  After that, the heavier plyometrics and speed work will be introduced.  (and after that, it gets REALLY hard - why the hell is it that we do this again??)


9/28:  10-miles in 1:12:20 (7:14 pace)  HR - 152

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