Sunday, June 21, 2009

800m Race Photos (May 24th)

I look a lot more relaxed coming through that first lap than I do on the 2nd!  Actually very relaxed on lap-1 considering it was about a 58.3 . . . . . . gotta gain the fitness required to run the 2nd lap better.

Unfortunately, the photos don't show well on this thing.  I've posted a few of them below so that they're more visible:

Opening 200m

First Lap
(My wife's first comment after the race, "you need a tan!")

Feeling relaxed finishing up the first 400m . . . 

 . . . Not so much on the last last 50m
(obviously Brendan and I attended the same class on "Displaying your Race Day Face"!!)

The most important part of race day . . . . the post race beer!

Figured I'd throw one in w/ my wife (I even shaved for this one!)

Also, I was messing around w/ Flickr but was unable to have Blogspot communicate w/ the Flickr account.  So I just added a link on the sidebar under "Slideshows" that has my first one.  It's a show of our Garden/Koi pond in the yard - the photos were taken this week.  Let me know if you have any issues viewing it.


bricey said...

looks like we both graduated top of our respective "race face" classes !!

I like the blue track it almost look like you're running indoors!! all tracks here are teh standard red.

Glad to see that thinks are on the way back

Michael said...

I like the beer, well earned.

Ewen said...

Thanks Mike - that's an amazing looking track. A bit exposed to the wind though! Good view of the bridge through the fog. I like the 'lactate face' in the last 50m.

The Pond slide show doesn't work for me - get an "Oh No! We couldn't find anything". Maybe something wrong with the URL for the slide show.

rick said...

Nice to see the photos!
yeah why are tracks always built in the most exposed places!

Mike said...

Thanks guys! I'm tying to move into this century and incorporate some photos, slideshows, etc.

I mean how long can you read, "ran 6 miles today . . . bah, blah"

The slideshow should be fixed. If this thing slows the blog down too much PLEASE let me know! If so, I'll figure something else out. If you click on the slideshow and go into Flickr you can see the photos much better. There are 19 photos in that set, and if you click on "photo set" there's a slideshow icon in the top right corner.

Let me know if it works!

bricey said...

slideshow works fine for me. very colourful fish you have there - what's their PB for the 800??

Samurai Running said...

Hello Mike

Found your blog through Ewen and Rick when I was looking for info on exercise induced headaches.

It seemed that you had one a little while back. I suffered my first one last week while doing a speedwork session for my marathon training.

I'd like to know a little bit more about your experience with them. Like, once you have, do you know, will they always return when one does hard sessions or are they, which I think maybe the case for me, just a corollary of over training and hot weather?

Anyway, I'd appreciate knowing how you are getting on with things there.


Scott Brown

Mike said...

Hi Scott -

The only times I've had any kind of headache following a run/workout was after my 800m race, and at the tail end of a very heavy lactate training session. (successive 300m repeats w/ very short rests at about 800m race pace)

Both times, it was clear to me that these headaches were oxygen debt/lactate related. I've never gotten something like this doing 5k or 3k pace workouts or even 800m race pace workouts w/ longer rests.

Only the specific lactate training wo's give me that - and to be honest, this feeling is actually expected near the end of such a session.

I realize this doesn't help much - I'd imagine if you're doing heavy speedwork in very hot weather that could do it.

How's your hydration been? I find when I'm not drinking enough water AND probably drinking too much coffee and/or beer for a few days I can feel kind of lousy during a harder session.

Good luck trying to find the root cause, and sorry I couldn't be of more help.

- Mike

Samurai Running said...

Thanks Mike

That is helpful! Thanks for taking the time to write. I'll findout exactly what my problem is in the coming month, I'm sure.

Anyway, it's good to know where your blog is.

