I was hoping to get the 800m repeats in on Friday giving me one easy day before today's long run but that didn't work out. So today turned into a bit of a back-to-back. Making it interesting, we got our rainstorm rendering the trails muddy and slick, which was especially fun on the steeper downhills. And of course today's rain started just as I walked out the door to start the run.
Tough to complain about weather though when the guys in Ireland have to deal w/ all that "stuff" out there. The sloshing was actually quite enjoyable and I trucked on through for 11 soggy miles.
Sun, 12/14: 11-miles @ 7:10 pace
That's quite a good pace for sloshing along the trails.
It's good that you've got to see how the other half lives!! Our problem here is that if we run in the morning the ground is frozen (i.e. slippy) and in the afternoon it muddy (i.e. slippy) and at any time it can rain (just to keep things interesting).
Nice running though!!
Your weather is similar to ours... only one sloshy run this year.
Our rainy season starts about now and goes through early February. We still get some rain into March and April, but usually a lot less. January is far and away our worst month of the year.
I think that was just my 2nd good slosher since February (the slight drizzles don't really count)
Ah, the difficulties of living in CA. : )
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