Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Taking a Down Week

I followed up Saturday's wo w/ a 9.5-mile run on Sunday.  My quads and hamstrings were sore from lifting, and the calves were sore from the workout, so the pace was slow - I averaged 7:22/mile which as it turns out is my slowest run of 2009.  

On the "injury front" my hip/quad seem to be back to 100%, but my right calf/achilles that has been a slight nag for a few weeks has upped the ante and become more of an issue.  Monday was my usual off day, and I had my appointment w/ the CMT.  She dug into the calf pretty good, and the good news is that the achilles itself seems OK (i.e. no tendonitis at this point), but the lower calf muscle is very tight.  She worked out a lot of the stiffness and I've been icing it since Sunday, so hopefully it won't become a problem.

However, due to the heavy workload of the past few weeks and the calf not being 100%, coach and I decided to take a down week here.  What that means is that the Wednesday workout will be skipped  (was supposed to be 3 x split 800s similar to the split 1000s I did last week - first 600m @ 75/400m pace and then kick in the last 200m in 32-seconds for a total time of 2:24 per)  The much tougher Saturday wo is still on the schedule, but between now and then the running will be light.  In fact, today (Tuesday) I'll be x-training on the bike instead of my usual easy 5-miler to give the calf an extra day to rest.  I might be doing a 4 x 200m session on Thursday just to stay sharp ahead of the Saturday workout (that one's a killer)

So, a little R&R for a few days and then back at it on Saturday.


Sun, 5/10:  9.5-miles @ 7:22

Mon, 5/11:  Off Day  (Appt w/ CMT - focus on right calf)


Ewen said...

Good idea Mike. You should come up well by Saturday.

bricey said...

sounds like a good plan. Enjoy the 'rest' cause I fear there's tougher sessions to come - now that you've shown what you can do!!