Monday, May 4, 2009

Wrapping Up the Week

Sunday saw an easy 9-miler in the trails.  I haven't done a run over 8-miles since the 5k, so it was good to get this one in.  (the first Sunday was a recovery day from the race, one was a tempo run instead, and I missed the other couple of weeks due to the hip acting up)

I hope to keep a 9-11 mile run on the schedule for another month or so before reigning it in as the season approaches.  

A good week of work for me:  aside from the longish run, I had the high intensity w/o on Saturday and another good session on Wednesday.  Most importantly, the hip/quad are feeling much better now, and hopefully those issues are behind me.  

Today's the typical off day from running, and I've got an appointment w/ the massage therapist later this afternoon.  I'm still not sure what the workouts are going to look like this week, but it's looking like those sessions will be on Wed/Sat again.

Hope you guys are having a great week!


Sun, 5/3:  9-miles @ 7:06 pace

Mon, 5/4:  Off Day  (appt w/ CMT)

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Have a good week Mike. Nice track session on Saturday!