Today's hill session was a bit different than the standard 10 x 1-minute. This time it was 3-sets of 3 repeats - each one (1-minute, 45-seconds, 45-seconds) w/ the 45-second guys having a faster leg turnover. Between sets I had the luxury of 90-seconds rest at the bottom of the hill instead of the usual 3-5 seconds.
Tough session. As has been typical, everything was considerably faster than last time. But unlike the past sessions, after what I thought was repeat #7 (of 9) I didn't feel like I could do two more so I cut it short. I later discovered that my last rep had actually been #8, and had I known that, I'd certainly have found a way to get in one more.
Not being able to count to 9 demonstrated what I already knew to be true; I just was not mentally ready for the workout. However, being that this is due to the Thanksgiving holiday being upon us and me having to begin my cooking tomorrow (and of course having not yet completed the grocery shopping) I'm not going to beat myself up over this one. It's tough to stay mentally sharp enough to nail the last reps of a demanding hill workout when you're trying to figure out whether or not you're going to use wild or basmati rice as part of the stuffing for the split acorn squash, or if you should garnish the cream of mushroom soup w/ some fresh black truffles. (answers - basmati, and Hell Yes!)
So no big deal. I've got an easy run tomorrow, off on Thanksgiving day and then a 5 x 1000m threshold run on either Friday or Saturday. (back to the speed next week I believe)
Mon, 11/24: 5-miles easy
Tues, 11/25: 3-mile warm up, then 8 hill repeats.
1 comment:
I hope the 5 x 1000 went well, and you weren't feeling the effects of all that cooking!
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