Thursday, March 26, 2009

Running Sore

Woke up Wednesday feeling OK, but like watching the dark clouds off in the distance and hearing the thunder claps sooner and sooner after each successive flash of lightning - the soreness from the previous day's leg lifting started creeping in hour by hour.  By the afternoon, the "clouds" were directly overhead, and it became quite uncomfortable.  Time for the "recovery run", I said with a laugh.  I went out and did the standard 5-miler.  (somehow I was less sore when running)

Today it was a similar deal - less soreness, but I can still feel it.  That's what I get for slacking on the leg lifting for 2-3 weeks.  The run today was only 4-miles as I just didn't have time to do anything more.

If feel good tomorrow, I'll pull in my threshold work from Sat to Fri - otherwise it'll just be another easy day w/ the workout on Sat.


Wed, 3/25:  5-miles @ 6:55

Thurs, 3/26:  lifting (upper-B, abs) stretching and rolling
PM  4-miles @ 6:55

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