Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quick Workout

After Wednesday, we decided to cut the Saturday workout down to a nice short threshold session - three or four 1000m repeats w/ 1-minute breaks.  I was pressed for time this morning, as I headed over to Los Gatos HS where the track meets are held - so I opted to just do three.  (I wanted to take a peak at how the meet was run, what the track looked like, etc)

Thankfully I didn't feel any of the sluggishness I felt on Wednesday.  The opening 2 x 200m portion was crisp - 27.8, 28.1

The 1000s came in at 3:26, 3:22, 3:21 - a bit quicker than T-pace for sure, but w/ just a 1-minute break between each, you can't get too out of control on these guys.  Nice short session.

Afterwards it was off to Los Gatos to check out the meet.  The track looked OK, but they allow 15-17 guys per heat so it's definitely a crowded start.  Also, everyone is just grouped together at the start (which was expected) as opposed to running in lanes for the first 100m or so and then cutting in.  It's going to be important to get away cleanly here as there are a lot of bodies packed into a small area.


Thurs, 1/15:  Off

Fri, 1/16:  5-miles @ 6:46 pace
** Note:  No more running these things by feel.  I have to force myself to slow down - going too fast on my easy days.  

Sat, 1/17:  4-miles including:  2 x 200m (27.8, 28.1)  3 x 1000m (3:26, 3:22, 3:21) 1-min breaks.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Starting on the curve in a big field is a bit of a negative - just means sprinting hard for the first 100m or so - with your speed that should be OK. My preference would be on the very inside or outside of the line.

Nice 1000s. 1 minute is a very meagre break.