Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mid Week Update

Not much going on.  Three non-workout days Tues-Wed-Thurs.  I'm looking to get back to the track on Saturday for some threshold 1000m repeats.  This is the one week out of the month where work is crazy, so unfortunately I haven't been able to get back to the gym since Monday.  Maybe I can change that tomorrow, but I expect a dizzying day from hell tomorrow, so I won't be holding my breath.


Tues, 2/17:  5-miles @ 6:58 pace

Wed, 2/18:  8-miles @ 6:51 pace.  
(felt drained after 5th mile, probably from little sleep and STRESS, but got it together and finished strong)

Thurs, 2/19:  5-miles @ 6:37 pace.  
(felt much better.  Finally, some dry weather for 36-hours so the trails weren't so muddy.  Also,  got to wear shorts and no jacket for the first time in 10+ days)

1 comment:

Ewen said...

A shame about work getting in the way of important stuff Mike, like training.

I hope the 1000s went well. You could send some of that rain over our way - the trails are turning to dust!