Thursday, February 12, 2009

Bringing Back the Double

Today I had two running sessions for the first time in I don't know how long.  Much of this was by design of course - when in the speed phase as I was last month, the mileage is purposely cut back and there was really no need for running two times in a day.

Being back in a build mode however, it's time to start bringing back the double.  Today it was two 5-milers.  Tomorrow I'll be looking to do a 6-mile single along w/ a trip to the gym for a light upper body workout (if I can pull it off w/ the hand) and also some light leg lifting and core work.

Hopefully that will lead to a Saturday double totaling 9-miles w/ a 10-mile single scheduled for Sunday.


Thurs, 2/12:  AM  5-miles @ 7:10
                     PM 5-miles @ 7:00

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Good way to get in 10 miles for the day Mike.

Thanks for your reply re the workout schedule. That all makes sense.